Learn about the Top Signs You Need Emergency Tree Removal

Learn about the Top Signs You Need Emergency Tree Removal

Are you starting to notice strange signs with your trees? Are they starting to look suspiciously dangerous? Tree accidents are a serious matter. For this reason, we brought you some top signs you need emergency tree removal!

Top Signs You Need Emergency Tree Removal

Since trees are useful and special, it is hard and sometimes painful to decide on removing them. But sadly, they can become a threat to your safety and peace of mind.

And generally speaking you should remove a tree when it becomes a danger to you, your loved ones, pedestrians, and plants around. Those are the main reasons to remove your tree in broad terms.

In case you are wondering, removing a big tree is not a regular DIY project.

Removing a big tree is an endeavor out of the league of the average homeowner. So, we advise you to leave the job to professionals like us.

Here at Mi Jalisco Landscaping LLC, we have the proper equipment, tools, and the experience to deliver a safe, prompt, and affordable tree removal.

So if you ever need professional help to remove your tree, we—Mi Jalisco Landscaping LCC—are the ideal choice since we have the most trusted arborists of the state of Virginia.

Your Tree Counts on Large Dead Branches and Rotten Roots

Filling Up Truck with Tree Debris at Tree Removal Site

As you know, trees encounter a wide array of factors that get in the way of their vigor and health. Hail, snow, storms, high winds, lighting, and more can damage your trees. Some of these can first make your tree unhealthy and then kill it slowly.  

An unhealthy tree can compromise other plants in your landscape, or even worse the people around it.

Sometimes by calling an expert arborist to inspect your tree is the best way to tell its health condition.

If your tree has a disease like a termite infestation or a fungal disease; this could be a telltale that you probably would have to remove it before the disease spreads and harms your bushes, flowers, and other plants in your lawn.

For instance, some of the signs you need emergency tree removal are branches dying, cavities in the trunk, and rotted roots.

If more than half of your tree is decaying or damaged, you surely need emergency tree removal services.

Your Tree Is Suddenly Leaning Toward Your Home or Street!

The root system is what keeps your tree straight and stable. However, due to age, diseases, damage caused by storms, heavy rains, wet soil, high winds, or other natural events, trees can suffer and lose their balance little by little.

Evergreen Tree Is Falling Down In A Front Yard After Being Hit By a Storm with Heavy Winds and Rain

A leaning tree isn’t necessarily unhealthy. It all depends on the root condition. So, it is necessary to hire an expert landscaper to assess your tree condition.

Keep in mind that if your tree is leaning close to your home, car or a common area, it could be posing an immediate threat.

Our expert arborists at Mi Jalisco Landscaping LCC will conduct a tree risk assessment to determine the next step to follow.

If there’s structural damage or your tree poses a safety risk, tree removal may be recommended.

Take a look at these clear signs that your storm damaged tree has to be removed:

  • Trees with cracks that affect more than half of the main trunk generally need to be removed.
  • If your tree is leaning and also lost half of its branches, your tree may need to be removed.
  • If your tree is considerably leaning toward your home (showing a leaning angle of more than 20 degrees from vertical).

Here at Mi Jalisco Landscaping LCC, our priority is to guarantee your well-being. Thus, we advise you to be careful and get expert assistance when nearby trees are leaning toward your home, yard, driveways, walkways, etc.

Sometimes getting tree removal services can be the only option to solve this problem and guarantee your safety.

You Can Spot Deficiencies on Your Trunk

The trunk, as well as the root system, is one of the most important structures to keep the tree standing and firm.

Of course, having a hollow trunk can be terrifying. If the trunk is hollow around 30 percent, it means that the tree is dying or very ill, which requires tree removal.

And whenever this happens, the trunk loses strength, which makes your tree a huge danger.

The reason for risk is simple. The wind, rain, and the weight of branches can bring down a weak tree.

Other deficiencies in trunks are cracks, seams, and visible wounds. We would like to highlight that it is very important that you keep checking the structural well-being of your tree, so it does not place you in the red spot.

Sprouts Are Starting to Come Out the Trunk

Hollow in Tree Trunk

When trees are subject to severe stress, shoots start to emerge from the trunk. Most of the time, these act as little leeches that suck out the life out of your tree! Not only that, but they also can bring all sorts of insects and pest invasion too! Lastly, these make it difficult for fresh air and sunlight to reach your tree’s canopy.

Believe it or not, sprouts tend to be one of the most overlooked red flags of emergency tree removal. For this reason, we highly suggest getting your tree inspected (at the very least) for when your trees start to present this problem.

Your Tree Has Become Hollowed

Hollow in Tree Trunk

Last, but definitely not least, one of the top signs you need emergency tree removal is when trees become hollow.

There are many reasons why a tree might become hollow. For example, factors such as wind, heat, and bacteria can make trees empty. As a matter of fact, elements such as lawn mowing and concrete can also cause this type of damage!

You should absolutely seek tree removal when your tree’s hollow area is considerably big. Another factor you should consider is if the tree is unhealthy or old. Finally, you should get your tree removed if the hollow area is near the base.

Mi Jalisco Landscaping LCC offers you its support. When presenting any of the signs you need emergency tree removal, don’t hesitate to call professional help! We can help you with tree services and tree removal in the following cities:

  • Richmond VA
  • Chesterfield VA
  • Mechanicsville VA
  • Midlothian VA
  • Glen Allen VA